Attitude instrument flying may be defined as the control of an aircraft's spatial position by using instruments rather than outside visual references.
Any flight, regardless of the aircraft used or route flown, consists of basic maneuvers. In visual flight, you control aircraft attitude with relation to the natural horizon by using certain reference points on the aircraft. In instrument flight, you control aircraft attitude by reference to the flight instruments. A proper interpretation of the flight instruments will give you essentially the same information that outside references do in visual flight. Once you learn the role of all the instruments in establishing and maintaining a desired aircraft attitude, you will be better equipped to control the aircraft in emergency situations involving failure of one or more key instruments.
Two basic methods used for learning attitude instrument flying are "control and performance" and "primary and supporting." Both methods involve the use of the same instruments, and both use the same responses for attitude control. They differ in their reliance on the attitude indicator and interpretation of other instruments.
Tag: Flying instrument, instrument flight, aviation, piloting, instrument rating, instrument flying training, instrument flight rating, instrument rating requirement, instrument rating regulation, aircraft, aeroplane, airplane, and aeronautical knowledge.
Attitude instrument flying: Controlling the aircraft by reference to the instruments rather than outside visual cues.
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